With reference to construction of state highways, please let me know the total Bill Of Quantities as per the following details:- 1) Subgrade - 500 mm 2) Granular Sub-Base (GSB) - 200 mm 3) Wet Mix Macadam I (WMM I) - 150 mm 4) Wet Mix Macadam II (WMM II) - 100 mm 5) Dense Bituminous Macadam (DBM) - 60 mm 6) Bituminous Crust (BC) - 40 mm Road Length is 44 Kms. Road Width is 7 mtrs. Please provide the BOQ of each layer as per Compacted Factor & Loose Factor both. Also, if possible please provide me the approximate details of total material required (all categories viz. soil, gravel, stone aggregrate, sand, bitumen etc.) as per general mix design prevailing in India. Thanks & Regards -- Rokr
2025Why reactive power is needed in a power system? How is it being absorbed or delivered by alternators? For reactive power control we are changing excitation but reactive power absorbing or delivering related to stator. How these two are interlinked? i want a detailed explanation with necessary expressions and figures?
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