why you want this job (specialy when you go for first interview and changeing the industries)
5 9402Post New Call Centre Call Centre AllOther Interview Questions
What are the data sources supported?
What happens if the license master is unreachable?
Define run-group processing?
What enterprise control room does?
What is the significance of product category is in srm?
Explain what are the affinity laws associated with dynamics pumps?
What ethical concerns arise in deploying autonomous systems?
what is applied botany?
I am haning thousands emails in my send box (which i sended.) Now i want to send all these emails (Total in send box)to other by email. Can i send total emails at one time (Not sending each indivisually) by one comand; Please tell the steps..Thanks.
How do I check for memory leaks?
How will a user connect with a lightsail instance?
What are the actions in workflow?
Tell us what is considered as more significant, creating content or building backlinks?
Explain some essential objects in abap dictionary?
Difference between Recordset and Resultsets.