What is set and get methods in java?
What is correlated subquery in dbms?
How to measure the earth resistance value in a concrete pavement(flood light area)?
A short CI column of hollow circular section has projecting bracket carrying a load of 10 tonnes. The load line is off the column by 20cm. The external diameter of the column is 350mm and thickness of metal is 25 mm. Find the maximum stress intensity in the section.
What does #define mean in c++?
how diside ct mf exmp.200/5 ct
Write a code snippet to launch chrome browser in webdriver.
Throw some light on internal process memory.
Tell me why 440 volts instead of 660 volts in 3 phases of supply system?
How do I get rid of microsoft visual c++ runtime library error?
How do I stop and start iis command line?
What are the common activities performed in month end closing in sap fi?
What are the programming languages in which you can implement behavior of silverlight application?
Explain where you use properties in soapui?
What is the sla in prd,qa,dev.?