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Cadence General Aptitude Interview Questions
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There is six letter word VGANDA . How many ways you can arrange the letters in the word in such a way that both the A's are together.

7 22321

If two cards are taken one after another without replacing from a pack of 52 cards what is the probability for the two cards be queen.

6 14653

The ratio fo Boys to Girls is 6:4. 60% of the boys and 40% of girls take lunch in the canteen. What % of class takes lunch in canteen.

3 7010

A room is 30 X 12 X 12. a spider is ont the middle of the samller wall, 1 feet from the top, and a fly is ont he middle of the opposite wall 1 feet from the bottom. what is the min distance reqd for the spider to crawl to the fly.

4 13217

A man while going dowm in a escalator(which is miving down) takes 50 steps to reach down and while going up takes 125 steps. If he goes 5 times faster upwards than downwards. What will be the total no of steps if the escalator werent moving.

13 28172

2/3 of corckery(plates) are broken, 1/2 have someother thing(handle) broken , 1/4 are both broken and handle broken. Ultimately only 2 pieces of corckery were without any defect. How many crockery were there in total.

2 10738

A father F has 5 sons, p,q,r,s,t. Not necessarily in this order. Two are of same age. The eldest and youngest cannot be twins. T is elder to r and younger to q and s has three older brothers. who are the twins?


A father F has 5 sons, p,q,r,s,t. Not necessarily in this order. Two are of same age. The eldest and youngest cannot be twins. T is elder to r and younger to q and s has three older brothers. who is the oldest and youngest?


Zulus always speak truth and Hutus always speak lies. There are three persons A,B&C. A met B and says " I am a Zulu or I am Hutu". We don't know what exactly he said. then B meets C and says to c that " A is a Zulu ". Then C replied " No, A is a Hutu ". How many Zulus are there ?


There are 7 people who take a test among which M is the worst, R is disqualified, P and S obtain same marks, T scores less than S and Q scores less than P, N scores higher than every one.


Zulus always speak truth and Hutus always speak lies. There are three persons A,B&C. A met B and says " I am a Zulu or I am Hutu". We don't know what exactly he said. then B meets C and says to c that " A is a Zulu ". Then C replied " No, A is a Hutu ". Who must be a Zulu ?


Post New Cadence General Aptitude Interview Questions

Un-Answered Questions

What is css1?


What is list when we have to use ?


State the working rule to determine extreme value of the function f(x,y)


What is bootstrap framework?


let me know whether absenteeism(%age) should be calculated on Hours available or on Labour Hour Rate while calculating LHR


Explain state records. What is its purpose?


Dear sir i need lic model question paper for the last two years, Kindly forward solved question papers to my mail id,


Which documents are generated in migo 101 movement type? Which accounts are effected in the process?


If calibration of 12 bowl dissolution apparatus does not meets single stage procedure, how can u proceed calibration?


protection relay watchdog contact operation?


sir pls tell me . our ct specifications are 120/5 ,2 core , 0.2 and 5p10 class , 30va and 30va buden. insted of 30 va i want use 15 va. can i use?


Dear friens,this is sreedhar i am a pharmacy post graduate and having 3 years of experience in pharma industry. I am searching job in USA. through that i want to apply H1,please sugeest me how can i search job or is there any consultancies in india help me to get job?


Are you comfortable with cold-calling?


What's the use of servletcontext?


Is there a free version of microsoft office for windows 10?