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Concentrix Interview Questions
Questions Answers Views Company eMail

why should i hire u?

22 80428

when i went to a call center she asked me. where u want to see after few years?

22 70843

What is HRM?

29 47602

why should i hire you?

5 12170

how did you spend ur last day?

28 185421

how did you celebrated ur last birthday?

37 607747

how did spent your yesterday?

49 502662

What is your future plans

24 146685

Define this room?

7 51119

Speak on your unforgettable or memorable day for two minutes?

82 685700

tell me something about your happiest moment

29 224234

What is your daily routine?

84 600763

1.should women work in night shifts?if yes,why?if no why? 2.if u r given power for one day,what would u eradicate from india?

7 33967

why do u like to make your career in BPO industry?

13 43933

How did you spent your last day,sunday,?

66 439095

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what is virtual kef figures? what are the uses and in which case supposed to be use?


How do I exit turbo c++?


How can LLMs be categorized?


What is the difference between shocks and struts?


What language is c written in?


What are the salesforce annotations ?


How will you add a sqrt formular to a cell using apache poi?


Explain healing tool?


In android, which manifest permission is needed when use gps location?


how can we design robots


What is_cli() method does in codeigniter?


Is dental x-rays are safe?


What is memory leak in javascript?


How can AI be used to optimize traffic flow and reduce congestion?


Explain the diffrernces between 8.x and 9.x?