Wht are the Test cases do we write for Message Box.. can anybody answer it.. Thanks in Advance..
3 12825Wht are the Test cases do we write for Dialog box.. can anybody answer it.. Thanks in advance
3 7260In the Testing, How do we find the Duplicate Defects. In the case of testing is going on On-site r off-shore..some times on site and off-shore people may enter defects at the same time..those may include duplicate defects. how we have to find those defects..
1 7611There is a field in the form...if i will put a number it will give the square of the number as output..it takes numbers from 1 to 100!!! how to test it???
6 6424When the 1st time I will log into the application it will ask to change the passward.After 30 dayz the passward will expire and the application is unaccesible.U cant alter the server time.... How will u test it??
6 7665how to distinguish between session cookies and persistent cookies while doing cookies testing??
1 3584define with example high severity and low priority ? 2.low severity and high priority? 3.both are high? 4.both are low ?
2 8145Post New ACS Manual Testing Interview Questions
A quality radiograph is obtained using a 4 inch pid and an exposure time of 3 impulses. The pid was removed and replaced with a 16 inch pid. What should the new exposure time be to maintain image density?
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Is array part of collection framework?
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What do you mean by function and operator overloading in c++?
Why order is important in items.xml?
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Explain informatica architecture?
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Explain ingestion in big data?
How to access the value of a textbox using javascript?
What is a nsstring?