vikas naik

{ City } bangalore
< Country > india
* Profession * software engineer
User No # 64395
Total Questions Posted # 9
Total Answers Posted # 1

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Questions / { vikas naik }
Questions Answers Category Views Company eMail

how to print hello world every second till i have pressed enter key ???

SAP Labs,

1 Core Java 6348

how to use debug in my elipse to solve problems that exist in my project

SAP Labs, TCS,

Advanced Java 1831

how a programmer confirms that the data submitted has been succesfully inserted into the database(either oracle or my sql).. How a programmer confirm if there is any problem with the program he wrote for insertion

SAP Labs,

2 Core Java 5305

when a request is generated from apache tomcat 5.5 and goes to oracle 10g or mysql,,, how the oracle or mysql reads the request as apache is a web server and oracle 10g is application server? when the oracle 10g provides response, how the apche tomcat reads it???

SAP Labs,

Core Java 1748

how we can use debug in myeclipse 6.0 in order solve the problems that exist in our program when there are 900 to 1000 pages in a web application

SAP Labs,

Core Java 1735

what is the role of xml in core java?? and how we can use it?? can somebody give a sample program with explanation and from where i can read more about xml?????

HCL, SAP Labs, Vital Soft,

Core Java 1872

In a my eclipse editor if i want to switch from jdk 1.4 to jdk 1.6 how to do that???? Initially i have jdk1.4

Tech Mahindra,

1 Core Java 4915

how a programmer confirms that the data submitted has been succesfully inserted into the database(either oracle or my sql).. How a programmer confirm if there is any problem with the program he wrote for insertion... ANS:--- >executeupdate method is having boolean return type, if anything goes wrong in data insertion or data updation, it would return false. otherwise, if it successfully inserts data into the database, it would return true NOW HOW TO I CHECK IN MY DURING EXECUTION WHETHER IT RETURNS TRUE OR FALSE... WELL IT WILL DISPLAY ANY MESSAGE OR NOT


Core Java 1920

is set interface synchronized by default???


2 Core Java 6899

Answers / { vikas naik }

Question { Yardi, 329246 }

how to find the second highest salary from emp table?


select max(sal) from employee where sal not in(select
max(sal) from employee);

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