what is the use of using for loop as "for(;;)"?

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what is the use of using for loop as "for(;;)"?..

Answer / san

Infinite loop

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what is the use of using for loop as "for(;;)"?..

Answer / lalitha

Evaluates the whole loop to be true infinite

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what is the use of using for loop as "for(;;)"?..

Answer / balajisrikanth

for(;;) - is an infinite loop

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what is the use of using for loop as "for(;;)"?..

Answer / piyush

for gating infinite time looping use for(;;),second approach
same as while(true).

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what is the use of using for loop as "for(;;)"?..

Answer / arun n patil

for using first inisilization;second test counter;third
int i;
syntax: for(i=0;i<=100;i++)

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