Hello! i am having two comboboxes.Each having 10 items in
it.when i select first item in first combobox,it is not
similar in the second combobox.for ex in first combo if it
is Hyderabad,in second it should be some chenai or some
other item .Write a VBSCRIPT for that?

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Hello! i am having two comboboxes.Each having 10 items in it.when i select first item in first com..

Answer / rayudu

suppose in our flight reservation window "Fly from"
and "Fly To" comboboxes values should not be same.ok.
In taht situation below code will give all fail status
because Our flight reservation window has both values same

Just understand the code and implement it on ur application

SystemUtil.Run "C:\Program Files\Mercury
Files\Mercury Interactive\QuickTest
Dialog("Login").WinEdit("Agent Name:").Set "rayudu"
("Password:").SetSecure "49192ea21d0ec541ad12119e494c01ba2bb

a=window("Flight Reservation").WinComboBox("Fly
From:").GetROProperty("items count")

b=window("Flight Reservation").WinComboBox("Fly
From:").GetROProperty("all items")

a1=window("Flight Reservation").WinComboBox("Fly
To:").GetROProperty("items count")

b1=window("Flight Reservation").WinComboBox("Fly
To:").GetROProperty("all items")

For i=0 to a-1
msgbox val
msgbox val1
If val=val1 Then
reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"Step1","Test case is
reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"Step1","Test case is
End If

Is This Answer Correct ?    7 Yes 1 No

Hello! i am having two comboboxes.Each having 10 items in it.when i select first item in first com..

Answer / ravikumar

Lets take Combo1 & Combo2

If u r selecting < Item1 > from Combo1 the same item1
should not be present in the Combo2 right..
if it is the case

step1) select Item1 from Combo1
Step2) write a function to validate the given item i.e
passed as perameter(Item1)by getting the innertext of the
Combo2 and use Instr function to find Item1 is there in the
inner text..if no Pass...If yes Fail.........

if the case is
the item selected in the combo2 should not be <item1>

get the selected item from the Combo2

strcomp("selected item","item1")

if yes fail
if no pass.

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Hello! i am having two comboboxes.Each having 10 items in it.when i select first item in first com..

Answer / bfakruddin

We can do this in two ways...

1. Get all items from two combo boxes and store in two
separate arrays or in DataTable... "Your convenient process"

2. Validate one after the other dynamically in Loop...

I will keep one way here which I feel Logically better


dim exp,act,cmb_1,cmb_2


for i=1 to cmb_1_cnt


call cmb_2_Func()

reporter.reportevent micPass,"Test is Passed","Two
comboBoxes contain Different Items"


Function cmb_2_Func()


for i=1 to cmb_2_cnt


if (act=exp) then

reporter.reportevent micFail,"Test is Failed","Two
ComboBoxes contain Same Item"
End For

End if


End Function

Is This Answer Correct ?    0 Yes 2 No

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