What is an object?

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What is an object? ..

Answer / shruti

An object is the instance of the class..

it is the only gateway to access the entities defined in
the class..

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What is an object? ..

Answer / abalonesoft

A region of storage with associated semantics.

After the declaration int i; we say that "i is an object of
type int." In OO/C++, "object" usually means "an instance of
a class." Thus a class defines the behavior of possibly many
objects (instances).

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What is an object? ..

Answer / rajesh

Basic run time entity

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What is an object? ..

Answer / deepak saini

Object is runtime representation of class in memory.

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What is an object? ..

Answer / noopur

an object is the real instant of a class where class is a user defined datatype and class is a variable of that data type also called complex variable.

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