What is validation and verification? What is different
between them?

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What is validation and verification? What is different between them?..

Answer / mahesh

Verification is monitoring the process of software
development and validation is validating the software with
respect to the requirements.

Verification is software quality assurance

Validation is software quality control

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What is validation and verification? What is different between them?..

Answer / sagar

Verification ( static testing )...
- which systematically done by reading contents of software
product with intention of finding defects..
- confirming that software meets its product specification..

validation ( dynamic testing )...
- which systematically done by executing/testing the software
product with intention of finding defects...
- confirming that software meets its User requirements..

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What is validation and verification? What is different between them?..

Answer / indiran


To check whether we are built the right product. its is
process oriented.

Veritifation: To check whether we are built the prodcut
right. its product oriented.

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What is validation and verification? What is different between them?..

Answer / nambi

As per FDA, verification is defined as "confirmation by
examination and provision of objective evidence that
specified requirements have been fulfilled" where as
validation is "establishing by objective evidence that all
the software requirements have been implemented correctly
and completely and are traceble to system requirements".

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What is validation and verification? What is different between them?..

Answer / kumaresh

Validation: The Act of demonstrating that a work item is in
compliance with the original requirement.

Verification: The Act of demonstrating that a work item is
satisfactory by using its predecessor workitem.


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What is validation and verification? What is different between them?..

Answer / m.v.anil kumar

Verification:Are we develope the product right?
i.e here our concentration is on proccess to develope the
product,which belongs to developers end.
validation: Are We develope the right product?
i.e.here our concentration is on product.
i.e whether the developed product is right product or wrong
product, which belongs to testing end.
Genaral example for verification: take marketing
proffessionals and client relation.
being a Marketing proffession always we need to think
about sale only like how much we need to reach monthly
target,half yearly target,yearly target,if we think the
quality of the product we cant sale that,
Genrl example for Validation:WHEN WE PURCHASED ONE PRODUCT

Is This Answer Correct ?    2 Yes 1 No

What is validation and verification? What is different between them?..

Answer / triveni

to check whether the system is designing according to
client requirement or not it is called verification.
int this verification the foolowing are there.

validation means to check whether the system is working
according to the client requirement or not it is called

it is wrong please reply me.my no is9440385958

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What is validation and verification? What is different between them?..

Answer / raji

reviews on brs,srs,hld&llds is validation and
coding,integration,systemtesting and uat all are
verification.validation isreview on documents.verification
is executing the s/w to reach requirementsand expectations

Is This Answer Correct ?    2 Yes 3 No

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