What is the difference between joblib and jcllib statements

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What is the difference between joblib and jcllib statements..

Answer / shiva

1 Joblib is a default load library for all the jobsteps

JOBLIB DD statement specifies the private library that the
system needs to search to obtain the program named in each
of the EXEC statements PGM parameters. Only if the program
is not found in the private, the system searches in the
system libraries.

Jcllib is the loadlib that contains cataloged procedures

JCLLIB statement species the private library that the system
needs to search to obtain
(a) the procedures (PROCS) named in the EXEC statement
(b) the Groups of JCL statements (called INCLUDE groups)
named on any INCLUDE statements

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What is the difference between joblib and jcllib statements..

Answer / prashanthkodakani

it will search load modules of all the steps which are
include in that job ,if it is load modules not found then
it will searched in system lib, there is also not found it
will dispaly 's806' error = load module not found

jcllib: it will search cataloged procedure data set

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What is the difference between joblib and jcllib statements..

Answer / sreedhar naidu dhekodna

Loadlib will contain load module of the program not the
step if the program is called in the step then the load
module of that particular program will be searched in that
load libraries which are specified in JOBLIB.

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What is the difference between joblib and jcllib statements..

Answer / mrunmaya

then what is loadlib prashanthkodakani?

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What is the difference between joblib and jcllib statements..

Answer / gowthamgyaa

Mainframe can understand only in terms of hexadecimal. Application programming what we coding like COBOL, have to be converted into Hexadecimal. Hence during the stages of compiling, our Programming codes would be link-edited and moved to load library as hexadecimal codes.

Since Load library is a private library[used only by single user], we are using joblib to invoke it.

JCL lib would be used to invoke system libraries like ZOS.PROCLIB.

Am a learner, so correct me if I'm wrong.

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What is the difference between joblib and jcllib statements..

Answer / shiva

JOBLIB is used to include the System libaraies.
JCLLIB for the order in which the PROCS are Steps in Job to
be searched.

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What is the difference between joblib and jcllib statements..

Answer / prashanthkodakani

hi mrunmaya,

loadlib: its a load library it contain the load module of
the step, then joblib search the load modules of the steps
in loadlib.

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