how to select particular value from the combobox in the
current page which is entred in the previous page editbox
after parameterization?

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how to select particular value from the combobox in the current page which is entred in the previo..

Answer / priya

' to Parameterize
browser().Page().Webedit().set DataTable("A",dtglobalsheet)

'fetch value from edit box at runtime
ItemToSelect = browser().Page().webedit().GetRoProperty

'Now get number of rows in combobox
x = browser().Page().webList().GetRoProperty("items count")

'loop through each item n try to match
for i = 1 to x
actualvalue = browser().page().weblist().getitem(i)
if(actualvalue = ItemToSelect)then
browser().Page().weblist().select actualvalue
exit for

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how to select particular value from the combobox in the current page which is entred in the previo..

Answer / rajendra pradeep

Using SPY first first know the class of that particular
If Browser("").Page("").WebList("name:=")Exist Then


For i=0 To X-1


If lName="Which u want to Select" Then
End If

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how to select particular value from the combobox in the current page which is entred in the previo..

Answer / ramakrishna


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how to select particular value from the combobox in the current page which is entred in the previo..

Answer / saidev

First get the value from the edit box.Like
Next fix this X in the next page
browser().Page().weblist().set "X"

correct me if iam wrong..

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how to select particular value from the combobox in the current page which is entred in the previo..

Answer / sdfd

Unfortunately you are wrong Saidev.
"select particular value from the combobox "
It is a ListBox.
You should use - Select x command
instead of Set- command.

Jai Ganesh Maharajki....

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