When to Insert transactions in QTP?

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When to Insert transactions in QTP?..

Answer / sridhar reddy

we use the transaction point in QTP to find out execution
time of the script(vb script)by using the start transaction
and end transaction points
note:Transactions can be defined only for tests.
Components cannot include transactions.
Services.StartTransaction "ReserveSeat"

Browser("Welcome: Mercury Tours").Page("Find a Flight:
Mercury").WebList("fromPort").Select "London"

Browser("Welcome: Mercury Tours").Page("Find a Flight:
Mercury").WebList("toPort").Select "Frankfurt"

Browser("Welcome: Mercury Tours").Page("Find a Flight:
Mercury").WebList("toDay").Select "12"

Browser("Welcome: Mercury Tours").Page("Find a Flight:
Mercury").WebRadioGroup("servClass").Select "Business"

Browser("Welcome: Mercury Tours").Page("Find a Flight:
Mercury").WebList("airline").Select "Blue Skies Airlines"

Browser("Welcome: Mercury Tours").Page("Find a Flight:
Mercury").Image("findFlights").Click 65,12

Browser("Welcome: Mercury Tours").Page("Select a Flight:
Mercury").WebRadioGroup("outFlight").Select "Blue Skies

Browser("Welcome: Mercury Tours").Page("Select a Flight:
Mercury").WebRadioGroup("inFlight").Select "Blue Skies

Browser("Welcome: Mercury Tours").Page("Select a Flight:
Mercury").Image("reserveFlights").Click 46,8

Services.EndTransaction "ReserveSeat"

plz menction if any wrong is there in the answer

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When to Insert transactions in QTP?..

Answer / ramarao

By using transctions we can find how much time taken for
the script exection.
if we are start the script we can add start transction
; services .start transections
if end exection for the script
you can add services.end transctions

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When to Insert transactions in QTP?..

Answer / kiran pakki

Hi All,

Can i use the start and end transitions for scripted component? I using BTP for SAP application testing. I want to use these transactions for to test the performance of my events. If not what is alternative.

Could any please answer ASAP.

Thanks in advance..
Kiran Pakki

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