What is meant by packages?

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What is meant by packages?..

Answer / ranganathkini

Packages are a way of grouping classes with related
functionality there by possible avoiding class name
collision and making it easier for the class library to be used.

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What is meant by packages?..

Answer / ravikiran(aptech mumbai)

packages are the namespaces to for a group of classes and

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What is meant by packages?..

Answer / dhivyashree.p

packages are the collection of pre-defined classes and
objects. which is used to reduce the size of the program and
use the functions in the predefined classes in our own
function simply by using the format with appropriate name to
use the required classes.

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What is meant by packages?..

Answer / ania

it is a collection of class files.

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Question 7 [8] Consider the following class and answer the questions below it: public class StackWithGuard extends Stack { public StackWithGuard(int size) { super(size); } synchronized public boolean isEmpty() { return super.isEmpty(); } synchronized public boolean isFull() { return super.isFull(); } synchronized public int getSize() { return super.getSize(); } synchronized public void push(Object obj) { try { while (isFull()) { wait(); } } catch (InterruptedException e) {} super.push(obj); COS2144/102 11 notify(); } synchronized public Object pop() { try { while (isEmpty()) { wait(); } } catch (InterruptedException e) {} Object result = super.pop(); notify(); return result; } public static void main(String args[]) { StackWithGuard stack = new StackWithGuard(5); new Producer(stack, 15).start(); new Consumer(stack, 15).start(); } } Note: The Stack class is provided in the Appendix. Note also: The following questions all refer to the pop() method of the StackWithGuard class given above. 7.1 What does the synchronized keyword ensure for this method? (2) 7.2 Why is a while loop used to test whether the stack is empty? In other words, why wouldn't the following if statement be sufficient? if (isEmpty()) { wait(); } (2) 7.3 Why is the result of popping (provided by the inherited pop() method) stored in a temporary variable? In other words, why wouldn't the following statement be sufficient? return super.pop(); (2) 7.4 Why is the while loop placed in a try-catch structure? (2) Appendix The LinkedQueue class: public class LinkedQueue implements Queue { private Node first, last; private int count; public LinkedQueue() { first = last = null; count =0; } public int size() { return count; } public boolean isEmpty() { return (count == 0); 12 } public void enqueue(Object o) { Node node = new Node(); node.element = o; node.next = null; node.prev = last; if (last != null){ last.next = node; } else { last = first = node; } last = node; count++; } public void dequeue() { if ((first!= null) & (first.next!=null)) { first = first.next; first.prev = null; count--; } else { first = last = null; count--; } } public Object front() { return first; } } class Node { Object element; Node next, prev; } The Stack class: public class Stack { protected Object rep[]; protected int top = -1; protected int size = 0; protected int count = 0; public Stack(int size) { if (size > 0) { this.size = size; rep = new Object[size]; } } public boolean isFull() { return (count == size); } public boolean isEmpty() { return (count == 0); } public int getSize() { return size; } public void push(Object e) { if (e != null && !isFull()) { COS2144/102 13 top++; rep[top] = e; count ++; } } public Object pop() { Object result = null; if (!isEmpty()) { result = rep[top]; top--; count--; } return result; } }

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