in login module login button chage regularly(means login
button change to submit button).What is the code for it.

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in login module login button chage regularly(means login button change to submit button).What is t..

Answer / ramchandra patil

If the buttons label changes from login to submit then u can use descriptive programing by creating object without using label property. U can use below code.

Set objButton=description.create

Pls let me know if u have ny doubt...


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in login module login button chage regularly(means login button change to submit button).What is t..

Answer / guest

1.Suppose some point of time ,test engineer will come to know,"login" button name changed to "submitt",then test engineer can intimate developer,if any changes are made by developer,it will affect testing also. we can request developer,if developer makes changes for the old fucntionalities,could u plz inform testing team?
according test enginner can change in the script.
2.If any button names are changed by developer,developer will intimate automation test engineer regarding about any changed made to object name usually.

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in login module login button chage regularly(means login button change to submit button).What is t..

Answer / shekhar

If name property keeps on changing then we can go with other
properties except name .You can take Html Id and use
descriptive programming as it used in the first post.

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