what is the best algorithm to sort out unique words from a
list of more than 10 million words(1 crore+)?

we need the best technique in the terms of execution time.

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what is the best algorithm to sort out unique words from a list of more than 10 million words(1 cro..

Answer / arpit dhandhania

Quick Sort

Is This Answer Correct ?    34 Yes 8 No

what is the best algorithm to sort out unique words from a list of more than 10 million words(1 cro..

Answer / thananjayan

Quick sort is better but we group the words and then used

Is This Answer Correct ?    18 Yes 0 No

what is the best algorithm to sort out unique words from a list of more than 10 million words(1 cro..

Answer / dinavardhini.e

Quick sort.

Is This Answer Correct ?    21 Yes 4 No

what is the best algorithm to sort out unique words from a list of more than 10 million words(1 cro..

Answer / purushottam

Quick Sort

Is This Answer Correct ?    12 Yes 1 No

what is the best algorithm to sort out unique words from a list of more than 10 million words(1 cro..

Answer / rob

They're looking for unique words, so just sorting isn't good enough. Quicksort can still have a worst case runtime of n^2, or 10 million squared operations. We should use mergesort to guarantee O(nlogn) runtime, and then have a for loop to go through the list comparing element[i] with element [i+1], omitting element[i] if it is equal to element [i+1], and otherwise storing it in a new array or printing it to the screen, an O(n) operation. Then the final runtime is O(nlogn + n), ignoring the constant time to insert elements into a new array.

Is This Answer Correct ?    3 Yes 1 No

what is the best algorithm to sort out unique words from a list of more than 10 million words(1 cro..

Answer / swati

Merge sort or Heap sort ..b'coz these sorting has optimal
running time i.e O(nlogn)..

Is This Answer Correct ?    3 Yes 1 No

what is the best algorithm to sort out unique words from a list of more than 10 million words(1 cro..

Answer / karthickkumar


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what is the best algorithm to sort out unique words from a list of more than 10 million words(1 cro..

Answer / sivapriya

sorting is best

Is This Answer Correct ?    2 Yes 4 No

what is the best algorithm to sort out unique words from a list of more than 10 million words(1 cro..

Answer / shabeer

Array is best

Is This Answer Correct ?    4 Yes 17 No

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