How to work with multiple browsers when opened in the window,
write the script for it

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How to work with multiple browsers when opened in the window, write the script for it..

Answer / nilanjan saha

Hi all,

We can handle the Multiple Browsers with the Creation Time
property of the Browser.

For the Browser we have Creation Time ordinal identifier.
First browser that opened after opening QTP by default gets
Creation Time:=0, next populates with 1,2 and so on...

We can also manipulate this value from Test Object property


Let 3 separate browsers are open. To work on the 2nd one we
can come up with following code:

to Login").Click

Please let me know if you found anything I missed.


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How to work with multiple browsers when opened in the window, write the script for it..

Answer / nitin sharma

For working on multiple browser you have to use creationtime
or index property.
Use this code
'opening two application gmail and yahoo


'for closing all browser
While Browser("title:=.*","index:=0").Exist

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