what is the difference between conversion and interface in

what is the difference between conversion and interface in bdc?..

Answer / vijith


A Conversion means data that is converted from one format to
another format and from one system to another.

So when you first implement SAP, you are actually replacing
some of your legacy systems, but you are not completely
trashing the data. You still need some of that data from the
systems that are being replaced. So you pull the data out of
your legacy systems and put them on some files. You then
want to load that data into your new SAP system.

That is when you write some programs which will read that
data and load it into SAP. Imagine you had a home grown
purchasing system. You are now replacing all that with SAP.
But until SAP goes live, you want to keep using your home
grown purchasing system.
So during go live, you want to transfer the POs from your
legacy system to SAP. Now a PO in your legacy system may not
have the same fields as a PO in SAP. So you convert the data.


Interfacing is connecting two or more different entities. In
our case, it is connecting one or more systems with SAP. Now
extending our previous example, you are replacing some
legacy applications but there are some applications that you
don't want to replace yet.
You need to somehow pass data back and forth between SAP and
these remaining systems. Data may be going one way or the
other way or both ways. You will still need to do some data
transformations/translations etc to make the data
understandable to the receiving system.
This will continue as long as you want to keep the systems
running alongside SAP.

Ex: idoc,bapi

In short, conversions are written to load data into SAP
onetime. These are typically file based.

Interfaces are written to exchange/update/send/receive data
between SAP and other systems on an ongoing basis. These can
be in many forms, file based, idoc based, real time(business
connector, XI etc are useful in this), xml, and the list
goes on.
Labels: ALE IDOC'S

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