When you have logged a Defect for X, Y, Z issue.
i)If X, Y issues are fixed and Z issue is not fixed. What
will you do?
ii)If X, Y, Z issues are fixed and a new issues T is
created. What will you do?

When you have logged a Defect for X, Y, Z issue. i)If X, Y issues are fixed and Z issue is not fix..

Answer / surya

First we have to see whether X,Y,Z are interdependent or independent issues.
If x,y,z are independent issues the we close the x,y issues and reopen the z issue.
If x,y,z issues are fixed then we close the issues and raise a new issue T.

If these issues are interdependent then we put the fixed issue status as verified and if in the next build all the issues are fixed then we close all the corresponding issues and raise the new issues.

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