write a program for 7*8 = 56 ? without using * multiply
operator ? output = 56

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write a program for 7*8 = 56 ? without using * multiply operator ? output = 56..

Answer / guest

add 7 ,8 times & u 'll get the output
we can use while loop,or for loop

Is This Answer Correct ?    29 Yes 2 No

write a program for 7*8 = 56 ? without using * multiply operator ? output = 56..

Answer / banavathvishnu

int main()


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write a program for 7*8 = 56 ? without using * multiply operator ? output = 56..

Answer / pavan_mustyala

optimised code is to "left shift" the number 7 by 3 times.

Reason: 8 is (2 raised to power 3). So (7 * 8) is
equivalent to (((7*2)*2)*2). To multiply a number by 2,
shift it by 1 bit Left.

Not optimised but it works. Addition in a loop.

int func()
int i;
int result = 0;

for(i = 0; i < 8; i++)
result = result + 7;
return result;

Is This Answer Correct ?    14 Yes 4 No

write a program for 7*8 = 56 ? without using * multiply operator ? output = 56..

Answer / rama krishna sidhartha

Here is the logic.
void func()
int i;
int result = 0;
for(i = 0; i < 8; i++)
result = result + 7;

Is This Answer Correct ?    8 Yes 3 No

write a program for 7*8 = 56 ? without using * multiply operator ? output = 56..

Answer / manish soni bca 3rd year jaipu

void main()
int i,ans;

Is This Answer Correct ?    5 Yes 1 No

write a program for 7*8 = 56 ? without using * multiply operator ? output = 56..

Answer / raju kalyadapu

int main()
int i=0,n=0;
printf("7 * 8 is:%d",n);

Is This Answer Correct ?    0 Yes 0 No

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