Discuss similarities and differences of Multiprogramming OS
and multiprocessing OS?

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Discuss similarities and differences of Multiprogramming OS and multiprocessing OS?..

Answer / sadasiva

in multiprogramming number of processes running on single
processor.And in multiprocessing number of processes are
running on multiple processors

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Discuss similarities and differences of Multiprogramming OS and multiprocessing OS?..

Answer / zarna padia

in multiprogramming single processor can perform all the
preocess and in multiprocessing there is more than one
processor to achieve its performance

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Discuss similarities and differences of Multiprogramming OS and multiprocessing OS?..

Answer / krishnendu pal

multiprogramming has a single process.
multiprocessing has a multiple process.

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Discuss similarities and differences of Multiprogramming OS and multiprocessing OS?..

Answer / pavan

in multi programming different programs are run under single
processor where as in multi processing one processor can
handle different users with the help of different processes

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