Load Runner Interview Questions
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ingenaral realtime prjoects how much load and bottile neck will take part in a project?(Chandana)


1 5802

Can we run the Qtp Scripts in Load Runner?

4 13105

Can u call QTP scripts from Load Runner?

4 7309

In Loadrunner Raw data cab exported into CSV file formate hear CSV means?(Chandana)


4 15796

How to increase the performance of an application?real timers plz(Chandana)


4 11023

Types of frameworks which is fallowd in Loadrunner ? real timers plz(Chandana)


7 23254

1st i would like thankfull to (Mr.AJAY,MR.Srinivas,Rani) which u gave nice Posting Answers,my question is to get a job in performance testing how we have to pripare like what part i have to cover,i did not done any project just knoledge on tool, i am expecting valuble sugistions , gideliens to achive goal?(Chandana)

1 3943

Hi My question is, when u involve in a real time project how did involve(role) from the begining to at relase the product what risks and steps takes ? plz only for real timers, i dont want bookish knowledge (Chandana) prf ble to Ans this one for Mr Srinivas,Mr Ajay etc.... Thank u

3 5908

Can we use Loadrunner Functions in QTP SCript......?

1 4780

Hi All, 1. How to Run QTP Scripts from Loadrunner, can u plz give steps in detail 2. Can we put LR functions in QTP script...? 3. While Executing QTP Script in LR, can we use the Correleation concept...?

1 9597

How to call the QTP script in to the load runner? which foment should it be?

1 4282

Can We record the Desktop application or windows application in Load Runner(A simple VB application) If yes which mode we have to select while recording in Load Runner?

6 28059

can we run the script using mozila or netscape, recorded using internet explorer ?


1 6255

can we run the script using mozila or netscape, recorded using internet explorer ?

1 3891

how did u do performance testing in ur project?plzzz guys with experience answer in detail, like hw u ppl have used it in ur project. Thanku in advance.

1 6008

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Un-Answered Questions { Load Runner }

what are the skip functions in Load Runner?


How you load a loadrunner agent?


What can I monitor with loadrunner?


What is ramp up and ramp down?


difference between latency and transaction response time


During run time where the hosts saves the files?


For what purpose, user will be using ‘continue on’ error?


What is report viewer?


If we want to know the size of each component in system how?


What are different types of vuser logs which can be used while scripting and execution?


Hi all, I am having an interview on LoadRunner (SAP Web Protocol). I am wondering if somebody can help me with some interview questions at a 2 yr Scriptor level. Thanks and all answers are much appreciated.


How does caching affect performance testing results?


When you initialize the vuser what happen?


What is the difference between lr_error_message and lr_debug _message?


What are the types of checkpoints is available in loadrunner?