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Ram gets 148 marks for 20 questions. +10 for correct. -3 for wrong. How many correct answers?



Refer to the figure below.A ship started from P and moves at a speed of I miles per hour and another ship starts from L and moving with H miles per hour simultaneously.Where do the two ships meet? ||---g---||---h---||---i---||---j---||---k---||---l---|| PG H I J K L are the various stops in between denoted by || . The values g, h, i, j, k, l denote the distance between the ports.



Some work is done by two people in 24 minutes. One of them can do this work alone in 40 minutes. How much time does the second person take to do the same work ?



Square side 7 cm. Find the area 4 equal circles of the circle lying drawn at the…



The average of 4 consecutive even numbers is 27. What is the largest number?



The base 5 representation of the decimal number 2048 is _____.



The cost of one pencil, two pens and four erasers is Rs.22 while the cost of five pencils, four pens and two erasers is Rs.32.How much will three pencils, three pens and three erasers cost?



The equivalent compound ratio of 5:6::7:10::6:5



The lowest temperature in the night in a city A is 1/3 more than 1/2 the highest during the day. Sum of the lowest temperature and the highest temperature is 100 degrees. Then what is the low temp?



The sum of the digits of a two digit number is 8.When 18 is added to the number, the digits are reversed. Find the number?


The various degrees of the vertices are marked in the dig. Find y?



There are 1000 doors that are of the open-close type. When a person opens the door he closes it and then opens the other. When the first person goes he opens-closes the doors ion the multiples of 1 i.e., he opens and closes all the doors. When the second goes he opens and closes the doors 2, 4 6 8 rely. Similarly when the third one goes he does this for 3 6 9 12 15th doors rely. Find number of doors that are open at last.



There are 150 weights .Some are 1 kg weights and some are 2 kg weights. The sum of the weights is 260.What is the number of 1kg weights?



There are 1997 doors in the courts. 1997 people came out from each door. One door is closed. That many people came out from each door. This continues till a single person come out of the single open door. Find the no of people inside the court?



There are 200 employees in a company. An external vendor is chosen to Serve coffee twice a day. 100 coffee cups were offered by the company but as an incentive to have the cups in tact at the end of the day, the company offered 30 paise for every cup remained safely and charged 90 paise for every broken cup. At an end of a day, the vendor received Rs. 24. How many cups did the vendor break? 10, 20, 8, 5?



Un-Answered Questions { Aptitude Questions }

A man ate 100 bananas in five days, each day eating 6 more than the previous day. How many bananas did he eat on the first day?


How many people are there in the queue if I am 7th in the queue from either end?


Agonistic behavior, or aggression, is exhibited by most of the more than three million species of animals on this planet. Animal behaviorists still disagree on a comprehensive definition of the term, hut aggressive behavior can be loosely described as any action that harms an adversary or compels it to retreat. Aggression may serve many purposes, such as Food gathering, establishing territory, and enforcing social hierarchy. In a general Darwinian sense, however, the purpose of aggressive behavior is to increase the individual animal’s—and thus, the species’—chance of survival. Aggressive behavior may he directed at animals of other species, or it may be conspecific—that is, directed at members of an animal’s own species. One of the most common examples of conspecific aggression occurs in the establishment and maintenance of social hierarchies. In a hierarchy, social dominance is usually established according to physical superiority; the classic example is that of a pecking order among domestic fowl. The dominance hierarchy may be viewed as a means of social control that reduces the incidence of attack within a group. Once established, the hierarchy is rarely threatened by disputes because the inferior animal immediately submits when confronted by a superior. Two basic types of aggressive behavior are common to most species: attack and defensive threat. Each type involves a particular pattern of physiological and behavioral responses, which tends not to vary regardless of the stimulus that provokes it. For example, the pattern of attack behavior in cats involves a series of movements, such as stalking, biting, seizing with the forepaws and scratching with tile hind legs, that changes very little regardless of the stimulus—that is, regardless of who or what the cat is attacking. The cat’s defensive threat response offers another set of closely linked physiological and behavioral patterns. The cardiovascular system begins to pump blood at a faster rate, in preparation for sudden physical activity. The eves narrow and the ears flatten against the side of the cat’s head for protection, and other vulnerable areas of the body such as the stomach and throat are similarly contracted. Growling or hissing noises and erect fur also signal defensive threat. As with the attack response, this pattern of responses is generated with little variation regardless of the nature of the stimulus. Are these aggressive patterns of attack and defensive threat innate, genetically programmed, or are they learned? The answer seems to be a combination of both. A mouse is helpless at birth, but by its l2th day of life can assume a defensive threat position by backing up on its hind legs. By the time it is one month old, the mouse begins to exhibit the attack response. Nonetheless, copious evidence suggests that animals learn and practice aggressive behavior; one need look no further than the sight of a kitten playing with a ball of string. All the elements of attack—stalking, pouncing, biting, and shaking—are part of the game that prepares the kitten for more serious situations later in life. 7) The passage asserts that animal social hierarchies are generally stable because: a) the behavior responses of the group are known by all its members. b) the defensive threat posture quickly stops most conflicts. c) inferior animals usually defer to their physical superior. d) the need for mutual protection from other species inhibits conspecific aggression. 8) According to the author, what is the most significant physiological change undergone by a cat assuming the defensive threat position? a) An increase in cardiovascular activity b) A sudden narrowing of the eyes c) A contraction of the abdominal muscles d) The author does not say which change is most significant 9) Based on the information in the passage about agonistic behavior, it is reasonable to conclude that: I. the purpose of agonistic behavior is to help ensure the survival of the species. II. agonistic behavior is both innate and learned. III. conspecific aggression is more frequent than i aggression. a) I only b) II only c) I and II only d) I,II and III only 10) Which of the following would be most in accord with the information presented in the passage? a) The aggressive behavior of sharks is closely inked to their need to remain in constant motion. b) fine inability of newborn mice to exhibit the attack response proves that aggressive behavior must be learned. c) Most animal species that do riot exhibit aggressive behavior are prevented from doing so by environmental factors. d) Members of a certain species of hawk use the same method to prey on both squirrels and gophers. 11) The author suggests that the question of whether agonistic behavior is genetically programmed or learned: a) still generates considerable controversy among animal behaviorists. b) was first investigated through experiments on mice. c) is outdated since most scientists now believe the genetic element to be most important. d) has been the subject of extensive clinical study. 12) Which of the following topics related to agonistic behavior is NOT explicitly addressed in the passage? a) The physiological changes that accompany attack behavior in cats b) The evolutionary purpose of aggression c) Conspecific aggression that occurs in dominance hierarchies d) The relationship between play and aggression 13) The author of this passage is primarily concerned with: a) analyzing the differences between attack behavior and defensive threat behavior. b) introducing a subject currently debated among animal behaviorists. c) providing a general overview of aggressive behavior in animals. d) illustrating various manifestations of agonistic behavior among mammals.


What is compounding infoobjects?


When I was married 10 years back my wife was the sixth member of my family. Now I have a baby. Today my father was dead and I had a new baby. Now the average age of my family is the same as that when I was married. Find the age of my father when he was 60.


To 15 lts of water containing 20% alcohol, we add 5 lts of pure water. What is % alcohol.


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5 women given some of their heights(tall,medium,short)Hair( long, plainted),stards(Black or Brown), sari,2 medium,2-short.Tall-no sari.Plainted-medium.Answer the combinations.


There are 3 males and 2 females,find the possible no of orders that can be made by making the arrangement as in between two males one women is allowed to sit?


There is a work which can be completed by A with 12 days and B by 18 days. A and B works together for 3 days and B left. After that how many days for A to complete the work?


Three years ago my uncle offered me a used keyboard for Rs. 1024. A year later he offered me the same for Rs. 640 and last year he wanted Rs. 400 and now he is willing to sell it to me for Rs. 250. But I have decided to buy it when he reduces the price next time. If he is constantly reducing its price, at what price will he offer the keyboard to me next?


Dr. Martin A. Tidball, along with colleagues at two universities, are working on uncovering the mysteries of glucose uptake, a discovery of new details about active ATP transport, and a drug to enhance facilitated diffusion. are working hard to uncover the mysteries of glucose uptake, discover new details about active ATP transport, and enhance facilitated diffusion with the help of a drug is working on uncovering the mysteries of glucose uptake, discovering new details about ATP transport, and enhancing facilitated diffusion via a drug is working to uncover the mysteries of glucose uptake, discover new details about active ATP transport, and enhancing facilitated diffusion with the help of a drug are working on uncovering the mysteries of glucose uptake, a discovery of new details about active ATP transport, and a drug to enhance facilitated diffusion


An apple seller is having some apples. He is selling half of the apple what he has plus half the apple to the first customer. In the same way he sells the remaining apple to 7 customers. After selling to 7 customers, he has no apples with him.


Write any four activities that can be given as composition work.


Argentina had football team of 22 player of which captain is from Brazilian team and goalki from European team. For remainig player they have picked 6 from argentinan and 14 from european. Now for a team of 11 they must have goalki and captain so out of 9 now they plan to select 3 from argentinian and 6 from European. Find out no. of methods avilable for it