Instrumentation Interview Questions
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what is the name of thermocople element cable from field to pannel end?

3 6989

when the instrument tapping on pipe line is located below and transmitter is located above the tapping point for liquid service transmitter, what should we do, is there any additional drain valve is required??


when the instrument tapping on pipe line is located below and transmitter is located above the tapping point for liquid service transmitter, what should we do, is there any additional drain valve is required??

2 14896

what is the difference between cold loop and hot loop

2 11695

why we use 24v dc in instrument rahter than 230vac????

4 20733

why we use 0.2 to 1.0 kg/cm2 output in control valve


4 12788

in which application we use bigger size actuator

5 7121

diffrence b/w accuracy and precision?


4 7270

can we connect instrument earth pit to electrical earth pit, if not why?

2 17659

If we interchange HP and LP tapping in drum level measurement and reverse LRV & URV correspondingly.What is the difference between the normal tapping(HP,LP) and reversed tapping(LP,HP)?

2 16201

What is Droop? What is Step/Gradient Limiter in Turbine Governor control?


what is control valve input and out put


10 25256

what is thermocouple output


7 10008

What is principle of ultrasonic level transmitter?

3 9246

what is formula for calculating flow if i have pressure and pipe diameter?

1 2521

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what does it mean an active front end in vfd plz explain it briefly


why micro controller 8051/52's clock frequency is internally divide by 12 ?? and why it is further divide by 32 in UART serial communication ??


hi sir yhis is zahid ali i am preparing for the jspl at oct.4.please send me the recently updated sample paper.


what is span value and zero ? and how set ?


What is Positive Calibration and Negative Calibration?


what is SIL 1 2 3


how can leve transmetter calibate in feild .and also put cv and flow plz .....


What is the difference bitween control net scaner and device net scaner


what is RTV function in in process control?


Explain why use mmwc unit?


What is the reason PT speed not incresed in gas turbine?


What is mean by analytical instrumentation?


Explain the working principle of lvdt?


what is the minimum power (P=VI)to produce a spark?


what is the reset offset and control system in instrumentation