Instrumentation Interview Questions
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What is standard procedure of manual mapping in Radar type level transmitter?


How to do ma trim in massflow meter?

Pakistan Steel,

2 3369

What is the difference between floating and fixed voltage?

1 3359

How we connect a instrument with ground, Give brief explanation with help of diagram?


Why grounding is necessary? Give example with diagram.

Bright Point, DS Group,


how 3 out of 2 Logic/interlocks works? give brief explanation with help of diagram.

Adani Power,


How DP Transmitter can be calibrated for crud application in floating roof tank?

2 5437

What is difference between profibus and modbus communication


2 14294

if conical type tank in top LEFT side solid material coming but LT MOUNTED IN TOP OF LEFT SIDE, how to measure ultrasonic level transmitter ?


1 2249

what does 5/2 solinoid valve means?


5 6967

what is the difference between impact plate n coriolis type solid flow meters n how they works....n which one is better

1 2309

what does it mean an active front end in vfd plz explain it briefly


What output voltage the proximity switch shows when it is in open enviornment?

1 2757

What is Actuator?


3 4499

What is difference between sensors and transducers?

2 3853

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How to calibration a control valve?


i have steam drum height 1000mm. and i want to placed the transmitter below the i calculate.


principle of automatic votage regulator


How r the calculation of process line mpm.


A DP transmitter is used to measure the level of an open tank. The drain line of the tank is connected to a control valve, and is configured as, if the level of the tank is 90% the valve should get open 10%. And if the tank level is 10%, the valve should get open 90%. Draw wiring diagram and explain how to configure DP transmitter and control valve using HART communicator. If the span error at output is 1%, what will be the %opening of the control valve at 60% level of the tank?


What is instrumentation control?


What is the use of gauge?


hi,i am doing 3 year in electronic and instrumentation engineering. what type of aptitude questions will be asked in a core industries and how can i improve my skills in instrumentation?


what is the process to make control schematic ?


what is the difference between Cv and air consumption? why the customer needs Air consumption details?


Why does a pressure gauge installed on reactor, doesn't have any vent line below to release the pressure? Is it any kind of designing mistake or it actually does not require any vent line? And if it does not require any vent line below it then how we are gonna release the pressure built inside the pressure gauge?


What is three element in drum level?


Which is the best field foundation bus. ( FF ) Yokogawa, Honeywell or others ?


what is The specifications for oriface instalation


kindly sent some demo question and answer