Anatomy Interview Questions
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What 2 cutaneous nerves are lost in a lesion of the radial nerve?

1 2275

What 2 spinal roots make up the inferior trunk of the brachial plexus?

1 2328

What 2 spinal roots make up the superior trunk of the brachial plexus?

1 2638

What 2 structures pass through the internal auditory meatus?

1 3761

What 2 symptoms are seen with a lesion of the musculocutaneous nerve?

2 3767

What 2 symptoms are seen with a lesion of the ulnar nerve?

1 2439

What 3 blood barriers does the body have?

3 9914

What 3 muscles are lost in a lesion of the musculocutaneous nerve?

1 2419

What 3 muscles are lost in a lesion of the radial nerve?

1 2269

What 3 structures pass through the foramen magnum?

6 16464

What 3 structures pass through the optic canal?

Visionary RCM,

4 15278

What 4 'muscles' does the radial nerve innervate?

1 3742

What 4 areas is there decreased output in Parkinson's?

2 2667

What 4 movements are limpaired in a lesion of the ulnar nerve?

1 2325

What 4 movements are lost in a lesion of the median nerve?

1 2475

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Un-Answered Questions { Anatomy }

Human anatomy and physiology


Which nerve root is associated with the triceps reflexes?


A patient cannot supinate his hand, but has intact feeling-- which portion of the brachial plexus was severed?


Which hormones are produced by kidneys?


A baby is born with spina bifida. Explain what happened or didn't happen developmentally? How might this defect have been prevented?


What do you mean by homeostatic imbalance?


Which processes require injection of radio isotopes in the body?


Explain the turner's syndrome?


How many systems are there in a human body? Name them.


What does the psychic phase do?


You've been given the task of inserting the catheter for a patient scheduled for angioplasty. What anatomical landmarks are you looking for?


Which nerve root is associated with the achilles reflexes?


Explain the horner's syndrome?


Which nerve root is associated with the platella reflexes?


What is a structure consisting of 2 or 3 tissues called as?