Java J2EE Interview Questions
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Can you explain the difference b/n abtract and interface with a good example,?In what cases we have use abtract and what case interface?


4 7003

what is singleton class? where it mainly used in the projects?

Satyam, Wipro,

5 18416

How to deprecate a method? Show it with proper example. Plz give the answer of this.Thanx in advance. mail me:

2 3518

What is compile time polymorphism?

CTS, Elementus Technologies, Oracle,

20 33310

What is run time polymorphism?

eClerx, Elementus Technologies,

6 16698

why is multiple inheritance not allowed in java?

Elementus Technologies, Huawei, Infosys,

7 13584

What is the ResourceBundle?

Elementus Technologies,

2 5714

Hey buddy.. can you please tell me about the use of marker interface? And is there any link between marker interface and factory methods? Thanks in advance.

2 5399

Hi, well i am unable to understand that why it is mandatory to have same hashcode, if two objects are same? Thanks in advance.

5 5601

Hi buddy, well i got that there is always a default constructor with abstract class. OK. But why not with interface? Thanks in advance.

2 4186

hi to all. well can you please tell me that why String class is immutable? Thanks in advance.


5 8090

1).Is Object class abstract or not? 2).Is main method(public static void main(String args[])low priority thread or high priority thread?


3 9063

1).what is the difference between below examples String s="vijay"; String s=new String("vijay");

Mascon, Satyam, TCS,

12 16098

what are the different access specifiers that can be used by interfaces and abstract classes? can anyone give me detailed description on this


11 21687

How will you create the class for the following scenario? Employees under one employee?

Bally Technologies,

2 5531

Un-Answered Questions { Java J2EE }

What do you understand by @requestmapping annotation?


What is the use of evicting method in hibernate?


What is Struts2?


Is it possible to have a constructor inside the servlet?


What is difference between ejb 1.1 and ejb 2.0?


What is the difference between a window and a frame in java programming?


What is the maximum size of hashmap in java?


How many types of modules is defined by j2ee specification?


Enlist the changes in EJB 2.1 ?


How does regex work?


What is the difference between unidirectional and bidirectional hibernate?


Why can't we make a class private in java?


What is candidate key explain with example?


What is save method in hibernate?


What is the max amount of information that can be saved in a session object?