Java J2EE Interview Questions
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Ducking is automatic in checked exception?True or false

2 6658

String is is true String can be change to mutable How?

IBM, Professional Access, TCS,

6 7712


1 2628

what is difference between Interface and abstract class


2 4314

what are the design patterns in struts?

1 3213

Infinite loop using while ?

4 4442

Difference between Primary key and unique key?

4 5139

What is the difference between method and constructor ?

3 4509

If circular link of two objects, then will it be garbage collected ?


3 6164

1.Which of the following can be performed using interceptors by the developer? 1. Provide pre-processing logic before invoking the action 2. Interact with the action and set the request parameter on the action 3. Provide post-processing logic after invoking the action 4. Modify the result 1, 2, 3 2, 3, 4 1, 2, 4 1, 2, 3, 4 2.Interceptors can be used for which of the following tasks? 1. Checking security and bottleneck 2. Tracing the log 3. Validating user input 4. Uploading file 1, 2, 3 2, 3, 4 1, 2, 4 1, 2, 3, 4 3.The ValueStack is made up of which of the following objects? 1. Temporary Objects 2. Model Object 3. Action Object 4. Permanent Object 1, 2, 3 2, 3, 4 1, 2, 4 1, 2, 3, 4 4.Which of the following statements are correct? Apache Struts is a Java based framework that separates the application logic from the presentation layer. Action is based on pull-MVC framework which means that the data to be displayed is pulled from the action class which is a POJO class acting as a model in the Web application. OGNL is a powerful expression language that allows you to refer and manipulate the data present on the ValueStack. Declarative architecture enables you to integrate the different components present in the Web application either using XML files or Annotations. 5.Which of the following are the examples of helpers? 1. Action Interface 2. ActionSupport Class 3. ActionImplement Interface 1, 2 2, 3 1, 3 1, 2, 3 6.The Struts 2 filter performs which of the following tasks? 1. Installation of the Action class 2. Execution of the method specified in the configuration file 3. Reading of the control string 1, 2 2, 3 1, 3 1, 2, 3 7.Which of the following value for the debug parameter displays an OGNL console to test OGNL expressions against the value stack? xml console command All of the above. 8.Which of the following are correct statements? The execute () method of the action class defines business logic implementations. ActionSupport class adds useful utilities to the class that extends it. Set of Interceptors are grouped into a stack known as Interceptor Stack. All of the above. 9.Which of the following annotation helps to set the path of the action URL? It is placed before the action class and it applies to all actions defined in the class, even if the fully qualified URLs are not supplied. @Namespace @Result @Results @ParentPackage 10.Which of the following statements are correct related to OGNL and Annotations? OGNL is an expression and binding language that is used for getting and setting the properties of the Java objects. Annotations acts as an alternative to HTML and Java properties configuration file. Action Annotations are available when the framework scans the classpath for action classes. Lifecycle callback annotations are invoked at any time during the processing of an action. 11.Which of the following are the features of the new unified Expression Language? Deferred evaluation of expression Support expressions that can set values and invoke methods Provides a pluggable API for resolving expressions All of the above. 12.By introducing the new feature by JSF, improvements have been made in which of the following areas? Set of standard converter messages Addition of requiredMessage, converterMessage, and validatorMessage attribute for input components. Displaying the error message using the input component name with the help of label attribute added to the input components All of the above. 13.Which of the following statements are correct about the 'label' attribute? In JSF 2.1, the label attribute have been introduced with the input components. The label attribute can accept literal or value expressions. The Literal or value expressions accepted by label attribute is prefixed before the components error message. All of the above. 14.Which of the following statements are correct? EL allows developers to use simple expressions to dynamically access data from JavaBeans components. EL supports only deferred evaluation. A value expression can either yield a value or set a value and can be used for both read and write. In immediate evaluation, the expression is evaluated immediately. 15.Which of the following statements are correct? Method expression invokes as arbitrary private method of an arbitrary object by passing a specified set of parameters and returning results from the calling method. JSTL is a part of Java EE 5 platform. JSF 1.2 includes a set of messages for standard converters. The requiredMessage, converterMessage, or the validatorMessage attribute of the input components are used to provide custom error messages.


2 7046

Why we need Finally with try? pls expain with ur example..

BitWise, HDFC, TCS,

3 15137

what are advantages of HQL? what are advantages of Native SQL? what are advantages of Criteria API?


1 10943

what are the rules to use try catch finally?

Satyam, UJ,

1 4727

when there is a need of jvm then how we can say that java is a platform independent language?

3 4458

what should do when using multiple catch() block & what should never do for the same?

1 2885

Un-Answered Questions { Java J2EE }

What is jdbc abstraction and dao module?


In our urls and in the text of the buttons we have comma. Its causing an error. Is there a way to change the delimiting character for the menu arguments?


What are the benefits of using hibernate template?


What do you mean by buffering?


What is the difference between jdk and jre?


How are the notifications generated when a server is added to a cluster?


Give me some null interfaces in java?


How do stubs function inside weblogic server cluster at the time of failure?


Can a static class have a constructor java?


What are the benefits of hibernatetemplate?


Provide some important Struts2 constants that you have used?


What are the differences between stringbuffer and stringbuilder?


What is the length of a string?


What is return in java?


What is the difference between ear, jar and war file?