Java J2EE Interview Questions
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can two class in a code be public??if yes then how??

2 3776

take an array with -ve and +ve value both.find out the nearest value of 0(zero).if two values are same like(-2 and +2)then extract +2 is nearest of 0(zero).


Is there memory leaks in java?

3 4708

Need to use public,static keywords in main function?

5 5706

How core java/j2ee project performance can be measured ?

1 3146

If there are two notepad opened and working on it . is this a process or thread? computer based Live Example to differentiate between Thread , Process , and Multi tasking ?

TCS, Wipro,

3 6312

How Marker Interfaces are instruct to complete the desired need ?

2 3284

Matrix multiplication only using OOP concepts .


system.out.println(1 + 3);

8 9298

difference between request.getSession(false) or request.getSession() and request.getSession(true)

2 18110

posted in online test

1 2633

if am have 100 threads(for ex:T1,T2---T100) how we give priority to these threads and how the system excute these threads

2 4071

if we know the any consultancies, it will place in company work through consultancy(contract base). please help me I'm 2008 pass out java candidate...

1 2800

What is the multilevel inheritance. and also give the Example of it ?

5 8211

Can Anybody tell the diff b/w jdk1.6 and latest version.

2 3607

Un-Answered Questions { Java J2EE }

What is bubble sorting in java?


How do you define a servlet?


What are the different types of injection in spring?


Why java uses the concept of the string literal?


What does compareto () do in java?


Why java is said to be pass-by-value ?


java program with complete 4 oops concepts implemented example


What is ioc di?


Write a program to call the store procedure of oracle that takes no parameter?


How do you implement tree mirroring in java?


Which is better swing or awt?


How can a servlet be used to generate plain text instead of html?


Which class contains a method: cloneable or object?


What is the is the default transaction factory in hibernate?


what is dead letter queue in ibm mq series?