Java J2EE Interview Questions
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what is the life cycle of jsp?

HCL, ITC Infotech,

1 4830

Can we write Structs application without using Action Class directly or indirectly(extends Action class)

5 8527

what's the main difference between unix os and linux os?


2 5783

Hi my doubt is that preparedStatement is a interface means which has no implemenation.plz go thru the code below String sql = "SELECT * FROM movies WHERE year_made = ?"; prest = con.prepareStatement(sql); prest.setInt(1,2002); ResultSet rs1 = prest.executeQuery(); Now setInt and executeQuery how it works since it is interface it does not have implementation how it works, how executeQuery returns result from database as executequery method has no implementation even in Statement interface.

Cybermate, Hexaware,

4 8202

public class ActionSearchBean extends GenericSearchBean { @Override public String search() { data.setRowCount(null); if(data.getRowCount()==0){ data.getNoRecordFound().setRendered(true); data.getDataScroller().setRendered(false); } return "searchAction"; } @Override public String clear() { data.setRowCount(null); if (data.getRowCount() > 0){ data.getNoRecordFound().setRendered(false); data.getDataScroller().setRendered(true); }else{ data.getNoRecordFound().setRendered(true); data.getDataScroller().setRendered(false); } data.setModel(new ActionDTO()); data.setRowCount(null); return "searchAction"; } } what is the purpose of @Override ...what will do @Override here ?



public class ActionDTO extends GenericDTO implements Serializable,Auditable { // default serial version id, required for serializable classes. public static final String ACTION_SUSPEND = "SPN"; public static final String ACTION_DEREGISTER = "DRR"; public static final String ACTION_REINSTATE = "REI"; private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; private Long actionId; private long accountId; private Date actionDate; private String actionType; private String remarks; private AccountDTO account; public ActionDTO() { } public ActionDTO(Long accountId, String action, String remarks, String updatedBy) { setAccountId(accountId); setActionType(action); setActionDate(new Date()); setRemarks(remarks); setUpdatedBy(updatedBy); } public Long getActionId() { return this.actionId; } public void setActionId(Long actionId) { this.actionId = actionId; } public long getAccountId() { return this.accountId; } public void setAccountId(long accountId) { this.accountId = accountId; } public Date getActionDate() { return this.actionDate; } public void setActionDate(Date actionDate) { this.actionDate = actionDate; } public String getActionType() { return this.actionType; } public void setActionType(String actionType) { this.actionType = actionType; } public String getRemarks() { return this.remarks; } public void setRemarks(String remarks) { this.remarks = remarks; } // bi-directional many-to-one association to AccountDTO public AccountDTO getAccount() { return this.account; } public void setAccount(AccountDTO account) { this.account = account; } @Override public String toString() { // TODO Auto-generated method stub return null; } } what is the purpose of @Override public String toString()...and what will do here ?



if the memory capacity is 700 presently occupied by process is 690. then another process request space(40) how this situation handled in java.


4 5505

Struts follows which design patterns?


4 20210

what is the logic inside any default constuctor?

2 3518

How TreeMap sorts the objects inside it?? suppose if have include one employee object and one car object. On what basis it will sort?

5 13165

Java is based on pass by reference or pass by value ..

L&T, Wipro,

6 9006

difference between arraylist and linkedlist otherthan performance


2 9395

why pointer is not used in java?

3 10437

what are the difference between Java and .Net?

5 6741

we have two applications A1 & A2 both are accesing the same databse table employee at the same time how we will manage this so that both application can get the correct no of emloyee while A1 is inserting a employee at the same time while other applicatuion is getting the empployee list.

Accel, TCS,

5 8373

Un-Answered Questions { Java J2EE }

How do I use a third-party jdbc driver with jms?


I want to control database connections in my program and want that only one thread should be able to make database connection at a time. How can I implement this logic?


What is the difference between get and load method?


Explain the significance of listiterator.


What is collection api?


Which container method is used to cause a container to be laid out and redisplayed?


how do you test your message flows and design test case?


What is the purpose of static methods and static variables?


Explain the mechanism by which you can distinguish between transient (i.e. Newly instantiated) and detached objects in hibernate?


What is an immutable object?


How many threads does a core java have?


What is keyset in java?


What is the benefit of abstract class?


What are the websphere packages?


What is 2nd level cache in hibernate?