Java J2EE Interview Questions
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Q1. A. Write note on "The class path Environment Variable". B. Which are different kinds of source code? Q2. A. How to create an interface? B. Why convert an applet to an application? Q3. A. How to use Media tracker Class. B. How to use string tokenizer class. Q4. A. Explain the overview of UDP messaging. B. Difference between SQL Exception class and SQL Warning class. Q5. A. How to create com object in Java? B. Write short notes on "The properties class" Q6. A. When object is created and destroyed? B. Explain the JDB in depth & command line. C. Write short notes on Web Sites.

1 5126

How to create two different thread class inside a main function?

1 4371

does j2ee means advanced java

10 22032

why we are using XML?


14 23099

Can i use constructor in Action Class?If yes how?

8 14610

When wil use singleton class in Struts

7 16335

What is Model 1 and Model 2?

3 6280

What is the difference between Eclipse and MyEclipse?

IBM, Wavex,

7 38462

What is IOC in spring?


10 31846

What is difference between Application Server and Web Server?

Logica CMG, SCS,

1 4137

What is forward() and include() of servlets RequestDispatcher interface?


6 21192

why String class is immutable.


5 12083

How to sort a vector elements that contains the user define class object? (Note: If Suppose consider, A Student class contain two data members. They are String studentName and int rollNo. I am creating Four objects for this class, each object contains students details like name and roll no. Now i am storing that objects in vector and if i retiving the elements from the vector means then it should be display in sorting order)

ProdEx Technologies,

3 7708

what is aberivation of java?

14 15406

explain about jre and jvm

2 6412

Un-Answered Questions { Java J2EE }

What is public static void main?


Explain the difference between comparator and comparable in java?


Servlet is pure java object or not?


What do you know the spring mvc interceptor and how is it used?


What is JDBC Batch Processing and what are it’s benefits?


Is activemq a jms provider?


what is thread? What are the high-level thread states? : Java thread


What is action support class in struts2?


What are the five steps of orm?


Why do we go for spring?


Explain reverse a linked list recursive java solution?


What is orm tool?


What is servlet collaboration?


What is the independent variable in an experiment?


What is the difference between throw and throws keywords?