Java J2EE Interview Questions
Questions Answers Views Company eMail

what is the difference between Tomcat 4 & Tomcat 5?


6 11603

what is difference between colection and collections?

Amdocs, IBM, Infosys, Ipog Software, Polaris, Tech Mahindra,

25 65505

what is Directory Structure of webapplication?

CTS, Virtusa,

8 18595

Why we can not force Garbage Collection?

7 13162

I have a class which is abstract which contains only the abstract methods. This is similar to an interface. Then, if i have given a choice to choose one of them. Which one i have to choose and why?

4 5935

In connection pool,when 100 clients are requesting, in pool 100 objects is there, when another client is making request how it will work

3 5814

How multipleInheritance is possible in java?


18 18545

Even though Servlets and JSP are web based concepts .wht is the use of using Struts using then


8 11507

How to add ms-word file in struts at the same time how to add images

1 5135

how to write my own Action servlet by extending pre-defined Action servlet in struts config.


2 10587

explain me with a code snippet about the generation and handling of null point exceptions.

1 3729

if u havea .class file ,how can u say whether it is servlet or not ,dont use java decompliler


4 6761

We have two methods to create methods the threads. 1. Implementing runnable interface 2. Extending to thread class and overriding run method. Among these two which one is better and why? Please explain me in detail.

2 5414

what is the use of cvs in struts?

2 6737

we have 7 jsp pages .At last page we have a submit button when we click it it will store all jsps data which we provide will store into database. when we starting providing data in jsp pages when we are at 3rd jsp at that time sessions timeout where the data will be store which we r provide in last two jsps?

2 5846

Un-Answered Questions { Java J2EE }

what is the difference between thread and runnable types? : Java thread


How do you define a variable?


Why should we use spring?


What is float in java?


What is web xml file in spring?


What is database deadlock ?


Why arraylist is used in java?


How to explain Software Bank Loan descriptions


How are variables stored in memory?


What does it cost to replace struts?


What are the different types of garbage collectors in java?


What exceptions occur during serialization?


Why main() method is public, static and void in java ?


What is meant by anonymous class?


Is the infobus client side only?