11kv has three live wires how much voltage is in its single wire(leaving the other two wires)
13 69590In a HT switchboard where Nos. of Transformers are connected, how to decide Incoming cable size? Whether Cable should be rated for connected load or maximum demand?
1 5709Why two nos. un-tensioned wires are placed inside the PSC poles used by powergrid in RGGVY works.
2 6130what is the Earth Voltages in Power Plants, Sub-stations, Industries, Residential & Commercial Buildings.
1746We know flow of electron is current . But why electron flow from negative to positive and current from positive to negative?
4 6532Post New Power Grid Electrical Engineering Interview Questions
What are the steps Redirecting to Named Routes in Laravel ?
how to changeover ups in this power failur time?
How can our company benefit from cloud computing?
What is the difference between absolute expiration and sliding-time expiration?
Does netstat show hackers?
Explain the different characteristics that can affect the flow of bulk solids and how?
define is catalog and types of catalogs in cognos?
Mention what are the main components of cassandra data model?
What is the difference between indian and us payroll?
What is check table?
What one should take care of, while serializing the object?
Hi can anyone pls let me know, how many test case can be written to this C question (Unit testing) *funame (Int x, Long b) { x=b; x < 5 } Note: - Return type is boolean - Input type is unsigned char
Write down the divisions of cobol program?
How to enable Fault Tolerance features in the ORB?
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