Topic :: Invoice

Invoice Interview Questions
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What are the accounting entries for billing, PGI, Stock Transfer order, Excise invoice, Customer payment?


1 9423

Recently i am faced an interview. Interviewer asked me " after PGI what" ? and "after invoice what"? plz tell me anybody. thanks in advance.


5 6785

What are different types of way in our matching invoice?


1 3714

I have some scenario I enter the invoice euro and make the payment usd , it is possible make the payment? If No why and also enable in multi-currency payment enable in bank window ,that time possible or not?

Deloitte, Zensar,

1 5037

Can i make invoice when my client apply for TIN Number ?



During execution of Works Contract,If Contractee(Customer) supply goods to contractor, then it should be shown in Invoice as deduction or no need to show in Invoice.


We purchased material from other state against C form. Here in invoice Basic price value - Rs 100000 Cst 2% - Rs 2000 and transportation charges - Rs 8000 Total bill value - Rs 110000. But in C form How much amount we have to give? 100000 or 102000 or 110000 I am waiting for your valuable reply, advance thanks.


1 2000

I have created an invoice and made the payment in Accounts payable. Now the payment status is Negotiable and accounting status is processed. I reconciled the transaction in Cash Mgmt, The status changed from negotiable to Reconciled in CM. I checked the payment status for the invoice in payment window(AP), the payment status changed to RECONCILED UNACCOUNTED i.e correct but the accounting status is remain processed which is not the correct. I hope the transaction will be correct if the accounting status would have changed to PERTIAL . Please suggest any solution for the above query.

Student, TCS,


how to we pass a purchase entry in item invoice mode where some advance has been paid to the party. the purchase entry should get offset with the advance payment entry so that it does not appear in the bill outstanding or bills due list. please guide.thank you


Can Form H be given based on exicse invoice copy


1 2293

Is it possible to create an invoice for a delivery which consists of 1000 Items. But 700 items need to be billed this month and other 300 items need to be billed next month.what is the configuration for creating that invoice?


2 5394

I am Register dealer in Karnataka. One of another register dealer of karnataka has got job work at Andhra Pradesh. They asked us to deliver the material in Andhra pradesh but the invoice should be in Karnataka only. Now my question is what type of sales tax should we charges VAT / CST? As per my best knowledge whether we raised the invoice in Karnataka the invoice will raise in VAT though we deliver the material at Andhra Pradesh.

3 2910

What is invoice accounting rules?

Sandoz, Wipro,


Hi All, Recently I faced this Question ' in invoice price is comes automatically from where it is come'?

Tata Technologies,

2 4626

Recently interviewer asked me? What is consignment process? can i create invoice for consignment fill-up system allow this?

2 3945

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how to Create reports in SD module such as sales order report, which covers all organization levels, delivery status, invoice status, shipping details and partner function details. The data will be extracted from VBAP, VBPA, VBAK, VBUP, VBFA, KNA1, LIPS, VBRP, MARA, VBEP and KONV tables. plz mention the detail coding Tahnks, Rahul


ALV Report that will show the details of order like order no, order date, customer, product code & description, order quantity and value along with the details of dispatch of those orders like invoice no, invoice date, invoice quantity and pending order quantity. plz mention the detail coding Tahnks, Rahul


i want report country wise with invoice number for gl account


Which Invoice issued on Central Sale Commercial or Retail?


I want to validate Customer credit payment with customer invoice, When billing time, the system check the customer credit payment, if customer credit is lesser than customer bill, system should not allow the billing further process. Can I configure in sap


i have working in contruction company i want billing outside delhi pls. tell me can i bill with tax invoice party provide tin no.


I have some query regarding Report generation from Oracle Apps "PO module". I have to generate a report where table columns are as below: Vendor_name Invoice No PO Number Item_Quantity Value of Goods Date of Shipping Name_of_the_transport Date_of_receipt_issued. Now my questions is :from which table/column I can get the information of "Name_of_the_transport" column. Thanks in advance.


what is mixed invoice, prepaid invoice,quick invoice,podefault invoice,withholding tax invoice,please explain me in detail?


Dear All, We are a trader and doing one E-1 sales. Supplier send the material by To-pay basis, we endorse the LR and sold to Customer. Customer has given the purchase order for Basic amount and freight amount also. That means we have to pay the freight and getting the reimbursement from customer. In E-1 sales Invoice can we show the freight amount separtely as freight ? Since the customer need the freight head should be shown separetly. Or can we raise the separate debit note for this. Is it create any tax implifications in E-1? Please claify the same at the earliest. regards Regards Thananjeyan.P


What are the Types of invoices batching? & what is 3 way batch?


If we are taking Input credit on purchase on the basis of origal VAT Invoices,but party didn't pay the tax to the the sales tax department.Is there is any provision in VAT laws that our Input Tax will be disallowed on that basis. If there is any circulars or notification on this matter then pls give me the reference No. Thanking in Advance Navin Srivastava


How will be prepare invoice in tally, please tell me step by step


While we are doing data migration, how you upload partially closed invoices.