what is primarykey?what is difference between primary key
and forign key?
writing an sql statement from selecting records from two files using single statement and nested select statement.
what is a query can be run in which mode?
What is an Array Data Structure?
what is sessional error or divice error in rpg IV?..when will it happens...Give few examples?
an access path may be in which sequence?
What is the purpose of PR and PI in calling program and called program? in Called program PR is compulsory?
what is the command to know how many lf are related to a pf?
How to see all members of a file?
define the purpose/use for sflrna?
What is the difference between /copy and /include in RPGLE?
What is the function of DSPATR (display attributes) keyword?
What are Triggers?
14 Answers Ordain Solutions, Seabus Solutions,