I need the diffnation of Gross profit and Net Profit,
kindly brief. Thanking U.

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I need the diffnation of Gross profit and Net Profit, kindly brief. Thanking U...

Answer / meera.m

Gross profit:
Gross profit is used for net profit.Gross profit will take
only opening stock,direct expenses,direct
income,sales,closing stock and purchase.
Net profit is used for balance sheet. Net profit will take
indirect expenses,indirect income only.

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I need the diffnation of Gross profit and Net Profit, kindly brief. Thanking U...

Answer / badri

Gross profit or sales profit is the difference between
revenue and the cost of making a product or providing a
service, before deducting overhead, payroll, taxation, and
interest payments. Note that this is different than
operating profit.
Net profit-The excess of revenues over outlays in a given
period of time (including depreciation and other non-cash

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I need the diffnation of Gross profit and Net Profit, kindly brief. Thanking U...

Answer / satyaki_raju@yahoo.com

Gross profit is the excess of revenue over the cost price
of the products and direct expenses involved before making
ready for disposal
Nett profit is the excess of gross profit over
administration overheads

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