Speak on insurance?

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Speak on insurance?..

Answer / kanika


A contract (policy) in which an individual or entity
receives financial protection or reimbursement against
losses from an insurance company. The company pools
clients' risks to make payments more affordable for the

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Speak on insurance?..

Answer / b h madhukar

Insurance Policy is a contract between insurer and insured.
In general terminology, if a person is having any such kind
of policy such as life insurance, if any thing goes wrong
to the policy holder due to accident or any other, then the
company gives the risk coverage to the policy holder.

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Speak on insurance?..

Answer / selva..

insurance means to insure something. It may be things or
human.Insurance is the major part part of human.Because no
one know the loss may occure in things and something
happen in life. So insurance policy is best one in human
life. Its protect everything from the uncertain.

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Speak on insurance?..

Answer / saidulu.p

Insurance will give financial support to us in future . when u absent to ur family that time ur family can get financial support from insurance company.

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