Write a program to remove the C comments(/* */) and C++
comments(//) from a file.
The file should be declared in command line.

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Write a program to remove the C comments(/* */) and C++ comments(//) from a file. The file should ..

Answer / vadivel

int main(int argc,char *argv[])
FILE *f;
int flag;
f = fopen(argv[1],"r");
ch = fgetc(f),flag = 0;
if(ch == '/')
ch = fgetc(f);
if(ch == '*')
flag = 1;
if(fgetc(f) == '*' && fgetc(f) == '/')
else if(ch == '/')
flag = 1;
while(fgetc(f)!= '/n');
printf("/");// if it s division operator
if(!flag )
Run d prog as
>./a.out file_name.cpp

Is This Answer Correct ?    54 Yes 47 No

Write a program to remove the C comments(/* */) and C++ comments(//) from a file. The file should ..

Answer / palash das

//This works on c-string...

#include <stdio.h>

void remove_cmmnt(char *s)
int i,j;
for(i=j=0; s[j] ; )
if(s[j]=='/' && s[j+1] && s[j+1]=='/')
for(j+=2; s[j] && s[j++]!='
'; ) ;
else if(s[j]=='/' && s[j+1] && s[j+1]=='*')
for(j+=2; s[j] && s[++j] && (s[j-1]!='*' || s[j]!='/' || !j++); );

int main()
char s[]="/*123***/Hello // Cross
World /* **NachLeCoders";
return 0;

Is This Answer Correct ?    2 Yes 4 No

Write a program to remove the C comments(/* */) and C++ comments(//) from a file. The file should ..

Answer / sahil

/*Improved and working answer*/
void main()
FILE *fd;
int ch,flag,i;
char cc;
fd = fopen("file","r+");
// ch=fgetc(fd);
{ cc=ch;
flag = 0;
if(ch == '/')
ch = fgetc(fd);cc =ch;
if(ch == '*')
flag = 1;
cc = fgetc(fd);
if(fgetc(fd) == '*' && fgetc(fd) == '/')
else if(ch == '/')
flag = 1;
while(fgetc(fd)!= '/');

if(!flag )

Is This Answer Correct ?    9 Yes 13 No

Write a program to remove the C comments(/* */) and C++ comments(//) from a file. The file should ..

Answer / abdur rab

#include <stdio.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <unistd.h>

int get_file_size ( const char* file_name )
struct stat _file_info;
int _n_bytes = 0;

if ( 0 <= stat ( file_name, &_file_info ) ) {
if ( S_ISREG ( _file_info.st_mode ) )
_n_bytes = _file_info.st_size;

return ( _n_bytes );

char* read_content ( const char* file_name )
FILE* _file_pointer = NULL;
char* cp_file_content = NULL;
int _n_bytes = 0;

_n_bytes = get_file_size ( file_name );
cp_file_content = (char*) malloc ( ( _n_bytes + 1 )
* sizeof ( char ) );
if ( NULL != cp_file_content ) {
_file_pointer = fopen ( file_name, "r" );
if ( _file_pointer ) {
if ( _n_bytes != fread (
cp_file_content, 1, _n_bytes, _file_pointer ) ) {
printf ( "\n The File
Name :%s, Read Problem", file_name );
free ( cp_file_content );
cp_file_content = NULL;
} else {
cp_file_content [
_n_bytes ] = '\0';
fclose ( _file_pointer );

return ( cp_file_content );

int main ( int argc, char* argv [] )
char* cp_file_content = NULL;
int n_length = 0;
int n_counter = 0;

if ( argc <= 1 || argc > 3 ) {
printf ( "\n Usage : comment_remover
<file_name>" );
exit ( 0 );

cp_file_content = read_content ( argv [ 1 ] );

if ( NULL != cp_file_content ) {
n_length = strlen ( cp_file_content );
for ( n_counter = 0; n_counter < n_length;
n_counter++ ) {
if ( ( * ( cp_file_content +
n_counter ) == '/' )
&& ( * (
cp_file_content + n_counter + 1 ) == '*' ) ) {
while ( * ( cp_file_content
+ n_counter ) != '\0' ) {
if ( ( * (
cp_file_content + ( n_counter - 1 ) ) == '*' )
( * ( cp_file_content + n_counter ) == '/' ) ) {

n_counter++; // move away from / (slash)
} else if ( ( * ( cp_file_content +
n_counter ) == '/' )
&& ( * (
cp_file_content + n_counter + 1 ) == '/' ) ) {
while ( * ( cp_file_content
+ n_counter ) != '\n' ) n_counter++;
printf ( "%c", * ( cp_file_content
+ n_counter ) );

Is This Answer Correct ?    10 Yes 23 No

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