How can you search for commands at the boot prompt if you
only know part of the command?
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Answer / r.china venkanna babu
#ok sifting <part of command>
For Example
#ok sifting probe
output: probe scsi -all
probe ide
probe scsi
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Answer / ramanji
sifting <part of command>
then it shows all related commands on that matched keyword
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ok words
Then we can see what ever commands in ok boot prompt
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Answer / rahul
shifting <search String> is the correct answer. pkill -9
kills the process from a solaris shell and this cannot be
used on OK prompt
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Answer / baskar k.m
ok help <command> to get more information of the command at
the ok PROM.
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Answer / bala balaji
All the commands are stored in the following location
just go to the above location and type the first letter and
press tab twice.
and can check the nature of the command by going into man page
$man "command"
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