What is difference between the TCP/IP and UDP socket
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Answer / naved lodi
TCP/IP is connection oriented and UDP is Connection less
Is This Answer Correct ? | 62 Yes | 9 No |
Answer / rajendar gunnal
1. Connection oriented & other is Connection less
2. Will have Acknowledgment & other one don't
3. Performance slow & other one fast
4. More secure & other is not much
Is This Answer Correct ? | 51 Yes | 14 No |
Answer / ubong inyang
udp socket does not create connections, and as such it does
not keep track of the connection state; also it does not
have reciver buffer on either side sender or reciver; in
contrast tcp socket is a bidirectional communication
sockets which keeps track of connection state, established
connection , and also create reciever buffer on both sides
ofthe end to end connection
Is This Answer Correct ? | 29 Yes | 1 No |
Answer / anand
we can add so many to above list
-- TCP/IP offer guaranteed delivery while UDP does not
-- TCP/IP consumes high bandwidth. UDP is good guy and
shares band with everyone.
-- TCP/IP guarantees sequencing of packets (Packet sent
first will reach destination first).In UDP you may get last
packet first or not at all!
-- TCP does not have message block boundaries (User has to
define its own)
Is This Answer Correct ? | 20 Yes | 10 No |
Answer / debiprasanna panigrahi
1-TCP is a Connection Oriented Protocol and UDP is a
connection Less Protocol
2-TCP provides guranteed delivery of packets where as UDP
3-TCP can Transmit large amount of data as compared to udp
4-Sequencing of packet is gurantted in TCP.Means the
packets that are sent is delivered in time where in UDP it
is not guranteed that the packets will reach in time to the
Is This Answer Correct ? | 14 Yes | 5 No |
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