what is d difference between deep cloning and shallow
cloning in core java?

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what is d difference between deep cloning and shallow cloning in core java?..

Answer / sunny

Deep cloning - You clone the object and their constituent parts.

This kind of cloning is adequated when the parts of the
object make up the object, and can not be separated from it.

A car HAS four wheels, and to clone (copy) a car, I must
clone their four wheels.

Shallow cloning - You clone only the object, not their
parts. You add references to their parts.

This kind of cloning is adequated when the parts of the
object are independent of it.

An entry in an address book has the street name, the city
name. To clone that entry, you simply add references to the
street and city names.

That distinction is a little difficult to be done in Java,
but is better understood if you think in terms of databases.

You need deep cloning if the entity requires "cascade
deleting" to be deleted. You need shallow cloning if
"cascade deleting" is not needed.

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what is d difference between deep cloning and shallow cloning in core java?..

Answer / laxmikanth

In Shallow Cloning, you can only create the replica of the
objects but not the objects it is holding. Assume your Car
class (car1) has car name and Engine obj reference (has a
relation). Then by Shallow clone you can create anothr Car
Object (car2)but the newly created object will have its own
car name but the Engine Obj reference of car2 will still
point to car1's Engine.

In Deep Cloning, you can create the complete replica of car1

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what is d difference between deep cloning and shallow cloning in core java?..

Answer / nishant

Deep cloning - You clone the object and their constituent

Shallow cloning - You clone only the object, not their
parts. You add references to their parts

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