Whats the purpose of using Nextval while creating the
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Answer / tharanath.n
NextVal is pseudo column, which gives you the unique number
in the sequence.
nextval increment the sequence and return new value.
currval can only be accessed in given session after at least
one nextval has been issued.
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Answer / sreekanth
To get the next value of a sequence, we use nextval.
NextVal is pseudo column, which gives you the AVAILABLE
number in the sequence.
Remember the nextval value also depends on the cache you
have given, while creating the sequence.
If you want current value of a sequence you can use CurVal.
In a session you cannot use current value without getting
next value.
In 11g the you can use the nextval without using the query.
select seq_name.nextval into ln_seqnextval from dual;
can be replaced by
ln_seqnextval := seq_name.nextval;
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