Oracle Security Interview Questions
Questions Answers Views Company eMail

What is Statement Auditing ?

2 4211

What are the use of Roles ?

3 4884

What is Object Auditing ?

2 4221

What is Privilege Auditing ?

1 3498

What are the system resources that can be controlled through Profile ?

3 3948

What is Auditing ?

3 4734

What are the different Levels of Auditing ?

1 6300

What are Roles ?

2 4191

How to prevent unauthorized use of privileges granted to a Role ?

1 4215

What is default tablespace ?

3 4090

What is Tablespace Quota ?

2 3910

What is a profile ?

2 3505

What is user Account in Oracle database ?

2 3733

How will you enforce security using stored procedures ?

2 5007

What are the dictionary tables used to monitor a database spaces ?

2 7528

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