difference between i++* and *++i

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difference between i++* and *++i..

Answer / ravi

i++* is meaningless , do u want to ask *++i and *i++ diff ?

*++i --> it increments the i then access the value poiting
by i

*i++ --> it first access the value pointed by i , then
increment the i ( increments pointer , not value)

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difference between i++* and *++i..

Answer / gv_shreenivas

The postfix ++ and -- operators essentially have higher
precedence than the prefix unary operators. Therefore, *i++
is equivalent to *(i++); it increments i, and returns the
value which i pointed to before i was incremented. To
increment the value pointed to by i, use (*i)++ (or perhaps
++*i, if the evaluation order of the side effect doesn't

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difference between i++* and *++i..

Answer / yathish m yadav

assuming i is declared as pointer
i will be first incremented to point to next location to
which it is pointing. then, the content of location to
which i is newly pointing will be assigned if any variable
is used like: a=*++i;
here since it is not assigned to any variable it will be

if the statement is int a=i++*;
then i is incremented to point to next location of its type
then the content of that location is being copied to a
using *.

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difference between i++* and *++i..

Answer / vignesh1988i

i++* wont work .... as for as i know.... it's meaningless

comin to *++i, i is a pointer holding an address so here ++
and * holds the same priority so we ll go for associativity
of these operators. it's RIGHT to LEFT.

so , address in 'i' will get incremented and then if that
address points to some value means it will print that value
or else it will have garbage value

thank u

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difference between i++* and *++i..

Answer / rukmanee

In case of i++, it'll first assign the value of i and then
increment it's value by one. But in case of ++i, it 'll
first increment the value of i by 1 and then assign the new
value of i.This is the difference between i++ and ++i.

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difference between i++* and *++i..

Answer / khaja

it wont work bcoz its meaning less
bcoz i++* is not an increment operator(post increment)
*++i is to not a pre increment operator...

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