a student is ranked 13th from right and 8th from left.how
many are there?

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a student is ranked 13th from right and 8th from left.how many are there? ..

Answer / swetcha

twenty members

Is This Answer Correct ?    53 Yes 3 No

a student is ranked 13th from right and 8th from left.how many are there? ..

Answer / anand

20 members

Is This Answer Correct ?    37 Yes 3 No

a student is ranked 13th from right and 8th from left.how many are there? ..

Answer / bunts

a student is ranked 13th from right means he has 12 students
in his right side.
and 8th from left means he has 7 students in his left side.
so total no of students are
12(right side)+7(left side)+1(himself)=20 (correct all)

Is This Answer Correct ?    31 Yes 1 No

a student is ranked 13th from right and 8th from left.how many are there? ..

Answer / pratima


Is This Answer Correct ?    25 Yes 0 No

a student is ranked 13th from right and 8th from left.how many are there? ..

Answer / nidhi shah

20 members.

Is This Answer Correct ?    22 Yes 0 No

a student is ranked 13th from right and 8th from left.how many are there? ..

Answer / loku


Is This Answer Correct ?    22 Yes 0 No

a student is ranked 13th from right and 8th from left.how many are there? ..

Answer / amit teotia

total student=(8+13)-1=20

Is This Answer Correct ?    18 Yes 0 No

a student is ranked 13th from right and 8th from left.how many are there? ..

Answer / manojbatra071

correct answer is 20

Is This Answer Correct ?    12 Yes 0 No

a student is ranked 13th from right and 8th from left.how many are there? ..

Answer / martin & mithun & miro


Is This Answer Correct ?    8 Yes 0 No

a student is ranked 13th from right and 8th from left.how many are there? ..

Answer / jitendra pandey

13th from left means 12 person except him are in his right
side and 7 are in left as he is 8th. Therefore total number of
people = 12+7+1 = 20.

Is This Answer Correct ?    8 Yes 0 No

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