Have you used MSVC? What do you think of it?

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Have you used MSVC? What do you think of it?..

Answer / mms zubeir

It's a wonderful GUI tool to develop system as well as
large scale applications.
It's debugger is fantastic in usage front, reducing much of
our work and time.
Simply, it is a powerful tool with choices of libraries to
ease developers' effort.

The awful thing here is, it does many things for us and
hence suppressing our creativity and ability to work hard.
It makes us to loose the taste of programming and be
a 'coach pototo'.

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Have you used MSVC? What do you think of it?..

Answer / bob

it is pretty good for MS$ based application. Although the
compiler is not standardize enough, crappy STL
implementation, and awesome designed MFC libraries.

But it is improving, since VC4.0 to VS2005, it always
astonish me.

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