What is the main difference between Reports 2.0 & Reports 2.5?

What is the main difference between Reports 2.0 & Reports 2.5?..

Answer / anil_abbireddy

reports 2.5 is object oriented
we can create parameter form in reports 2.5

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Hi...... I created a report which is geneated in .txt format. What I do for this is 1.First I change the system parameter mode to character in the report. 2.Then I place a button in my form to call the report. code in the button is as follows.. DECLARE rePid REPORT_OBJECT; rep_hndl VARCHAR2(100); BEGIN rePid := Find_Report_Object('reptxt.rdf'); Set_Report_Object_Property(rePid,Report_deStype,FILE); Set_Report_Object_Property(rePid,Report_FileName,'d:\sasi\reports\reptxt.rdf'); Set_Report_Object_Property(rePid,Report_desName,'d:\sasi\output\repprint.txt'); rep_hndl := Run_Report_Object(rePid); END; and it is working.. Now the problam is that when I preview the report from the report builder, it is in the format I needed. But when I run the form and run the report,Its alligment is not correct. Regards abc

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