In Siebel, what 'position' stands for?

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In Siebel, what 'position' stands for?..

Answer / kadappa

Position controls login autntications
Responsiblities controls views.

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In Siebel, what 'position' stands for?..

Answer / subba

Job title which has the record level access

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In Siebel, what 'position' stands for?..

Answer / sai

Postion is to authentication to access data in Siebel.It is
like org hirerachy struture where Team member cannot acces
data about Module leaders.

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In Siebel, what 'position' stands for?..

Answer / obaiah

In Siebel using position we can restic the transations in the state model..

Based on the position we can restic the bc view modes also

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