PeopleSoft Interview Questions
Questions Answers Views Company eMail

What are the main attributes of a Component Interface?

1 4933

What is the standard property when a Component Interface is created?

3 6560

What are the People Tools available for Integration Broker?


2 9151

Can a PeopleTools 8.4 and a PeopleTools 8.1x application server run on the same machine?

2 5009

Where are workflow work items found?


3 5547

In which platform does Crystal and Psnvision works?

7 7630

How many Message nodes are possible for a database?

2 7048

What BEA product is used for DB transaction in PS?

1 4043

What event gets fired after DB Update?

1 3724

PeopleSoft tracks object changes using a system table. Which PeopleTools System table is used to track object changes?

2 8086

Which process is used for running AE programs which are to be run at a frequency of less than a day ?

2 5625

What views available in Application Designer project workspace?

2 4627

What Record Changes does not affect Database?

2 5198

How do you set up table-sharing in PeopleTools applications?

2 4516

What is the default Crystal Report that PeopleSoft Query tool creates?

1 6765

Un-Answered Questions { PeopleSoft }

How is an establishment different from a company?


Suppose you want to update your password and enter a hint for forgotten password. What would you access?


Tell me what are the different ways of setting up an hrms system to make it position driven and where is this setup done?


Different ways of setting up an hrms system to make it position driven?


The example below demonstrates the use of sqr flags in the configuration manager directories folder: -f c:psllrmssqr what do the above sqr flags signify to the sqr report writer upon execution?


When navigating on-line, how do you locate:


Explain callappengine () with syntax?


Tell me how to store related field data into database?


Explain does peoplesoft support the web servers that bea weblogic and ibm websphere can plug into? How?


How to taken care performance management in people tools?


Explain session_timeout parameter?


Two web servers are used in the production environment for load balancing/failover.  How would you configure both web servers to share a single Report Repository?


Tell me which data types is not supported by the peoplecode programming environment?


Tell me how did you apply your patces and bundles?


What is process scheduler information?